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Troop 964, based in Dale City, VA, is dedicated to instilling Scout values and building character among middle and high school aged youth. Our youth members are active in service, social, athletic and performance activities across the area and we are always welcoming new members.
To visit our Troop, please contact us in advance to ensure we are meeting at our regular time and place. Any questions please contact our Scoutmaster.
Troop Meetings Are Tuesday nights, 7:15 – 8:45 PM at First United Presbyterian Church of Dale City, at Minnieville Road & Cardinal Drive.
Check out our Summer Newsletter to see all the fun our troop has had this summer!
Founded in 1977, Troop 964 is chartered by First United Presbyterian Church of Dale City, Virginia. Our Troop promotes the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law through service to our community, local charities, charter organization as well as local and national parks in the Northern Virginia area. Since our charter Troop 964 has had 91 Scouts reach the rank of Eagle. Our Troop enjoys monthly outdoor activities year round and a week long summer camp each summer at various camps around the Virginia/Pennsylvania area.